How California’s Medical System and Vaccine Mandates Led to My Decision to Defend Medical Freedom

Why I Surrendered My Hard-Earned Medical License in California
The Hippocratic Oath, which I swore to uphold as a doctor, emphasizes that I must treat my teacher as family, use dietary regimens for patients' benefit, avoid harm, and maintain patient confidentiality. At the core, I committed to "do no harm." However, reflecting on this oath, I see how modern medical boards, particularly in California, have strayed from its principles, blurring the lines between politics and healthcare. My decision to surrender my medical license was fueled by a growing disillusionment with the state of medicine today.
The Politicization of Medicine
Over recent years, I’ve seen medical boards, especially in California, succumb to political and pharmaceutical pressures. The government’s growing influence over healthcare has led to the punishment of doctors who advocate for alternative treatments or question mainstream practices. A prime example is the vaccine mandates enforced in the state. California now requires 72 doses of vaccines for children to attend school—an astronomical increase from the minimal vaccines required when I was young. This shift raised alarms for me, not because vaccines are inherently harmful, but because of the increasingly rigid and punitive approach to those who dissent.
In 2015, SB277 eliminated all personal belief exemptions for vaccines in California, marking a turning point. Even limited medical exemptions were heavily regulated, overseen by individuals with little understanding of medicine. Cases like Hannah Poling, who regressed into autism-like symptoms after multiple vaccinations, highlight the potential dangers some children face. Yet, these stories are often discredited or hidden from public view, as in Poling's case.
The subsequent SB276, passed in 2018, tightened control over vaccine exemptions. Schools and local health authorities, ill-equipped to evaluate medical exemptions, became key players in rejecting them. Doctors were put under scrutiny for approving exemptions, even for children with legitimate health risks. This law was pushed by figures like Senator Pan, whose ties to pharmaceutical companies raised concerns about conflicts of interest. Studies supporting these laws often have similar conflicts, making it hard to discern genuine science from manipulated data.
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My Experience with Vaccine Exemptions
When I moved to California in 2015, I began working at a cannabis clinic. One day, a staff member asked for a temporary vaccine exemption for her son, who suffered from severe eczema and asthma. Seeing his condition, I issued a temporary exemption, a decision that would later come back to haunt me.
After leaving the clinic, I joined Nourish Medical Center, where I worked with like-minded colleagues, many of whom shared my skepticism about vaccines. Pediatric naturopath Dr. Elana Roumell and I worked together to issue vaccine exemptions for children with medical histories that made them more vulnerable to vaccine side effects. We meticulously followed the law, yet we found ourselves targeted by the San Diego Attorney General and the California Medical Board.
In 2018, a local news outlet published a list of unvaccinated children in San Diego, along with the doctors who issued their exemptions. This public shaming tactic, clearly designed to incite fear, demonstrated the state’s intent to suppress dissenting medical opinions. In 2019, I received a call from Physicians for Informed Choice, warning me that the state was planning to nullify legitimate vaccine exemptions and vaccinate children without regard for their medical conditions.
Later, my former clinic received a subpoena for patient records from the San Diego Attorney General. Initially, we assumed this was for a family court case. However, it became clear that the state was targeting doctors like me who issued vaccine exemptions, even if we had followed all legal protocols.
The Aftermath
In 2021, I learned that two investigations had been opened against me for vaccine exemptions. One was for the exemption I issued at the cannabis clinic, and the other involved a child whose sibling had autism, and who had suffered vaccine side effects. At this point, California had passed laws allowing patient medical records to be subpoenaed without consent, under the guise of ensuring vaccine safety. This breach of patient privacy was deeply troubling.
The medical board retroactively scrutinized my records, alleging that I hadn’t followed their standards of care, despite adhering to the law as it was at the time. The charges against me were not for malpractice or harm but for administrative errors and disagreements over medical judgment. The board offered me probation and “re-education,” but I refused to accept their punishment for what I knew to be right.
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Choosing to Surrender My License
Faced with years of probation and restrictions on my ability to practice medicine, I made the difficult decision to surrender my license. I refuse to be complicit in a system that punishes doctors for exercising medical judgment and protecting vulnerable patients. My passion for helping people hasn’t diminished, but I no longer need a medical license to make a meaningful impact. I now run Wellness Plus, where I can help others without the constraints of a system that stifles innovation and dissent.
Final Thoughts
The suppression of medical freedom in California is alarming. Doctors who question the mainstream narrative, particularly regarding vaccines, are targeted, shamed, and stripped of their licenses. This isn’t about patient safety; it’s about control. The pharmaceutical industry, backed by government officials, is using public health as a weapon to silence dissent and maximize profits.
I hope my story sheds light on the dangers of politicizing medicine. We must stand for medical freedom and the right to question “settled science.” True science is never settled—it evolves through questioning and rigorous debate. The current system discourages that, and it’s time for change. If we don’t protect the freedom to question, we risk losing the very essence of scientific inquiry.