Nestlé is introducing a new drink that could suppress appetite, just like Ozempic.
The multinational food and beverage company launched Boost Pre-Meal Hunger Support last month, a protein shot designed to naturally suppress appetite, targeting the growing market of people seeking to lose weight more quickly.
The product aims to stimulate the body’s natural GLP-1 response, a hormone that promotes feelings of fullness, similar to medications like Wegovy, Zepbound, and Ozempic, although less potent.
Semaglutide is the active ingredient in these drugs that mimics the natural hormone GLP-1, inducing the feeling of being "full" and helping with weight loss, the Hunter Medical Research Center explained.
Each 125mL shot of the Boost Pre-Meal Hunger Support contains 10g of Power Protein, 45 calories, 1g of sugar, and is fat-free. It is intended to be consumed 10 to 30 minutes before meals.
"You get an increase in natural GLP-1 which helps in controlling the feeling of hunger. So this dose has a significant effect on satiety," Stefan Palzer, Nestlé chief technology officer, told Reuters.
The product can help control hunger and assist in weight maintenance.
This launch is part of Nestlé’s strategy to tap into the expanding weight-loss market, which analysts estimate could reach $150 billion annually by 2035.